Pretty sure I’m not alone in letting the house go a bit in the last two months. My routine evaporated when I realized no one would be coming to visit. Funny how viewing our house through someone else’s eyes makes us see things we can easily ignore otherwise.
Today, I am working up the courage to ask God to help me see my heart through His eyes.
I’ve been having fun lately taking close-up pictures. Seeing the delicate design of a daffodil is thrilling. A close-up picture of my hallway rug, however, brings on a whole different feeling. Dirt that can’t be seen from my eye level suddenly looks disgusting. Makes me want to grab the rug and run outside and give it a good shake.
Sometimes my heart needs a good shake, but I don’t always see the need because I find a lot of excuses for not taking a close look.
I have never hired a housecleaner, but if I did, I know I’d be running from room to room picking up and straightening before that person rang my doorbell. I’m so grateful I don’t need to work at cleaning up my heart before I ask God to help me take on the task. He sees all the microscopic dirt and, if I’m willing, He’ll show it to me and He will make it clean again.
My part of the cleanup job begins with not hiding in the corner with my eyes shut when the dust starts flying. I need to be willing to look at my failings and sincerely confess them. Next, I need to accept God’s forgiveness, stop thinking about all the dirt He uncovered, and move on by committing to only let clean things in and out from here on. Things like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
One of the best tools I have in my heart-broom closet is Philippians 4:8. “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Pure thoughts can fill our hearts and minds with so much clean, fresh air that we want nothing to do with anything that will pollute them.
But… (I almost deleted this part because it’s a downer, but the “but” is vital.) When we feel the floors of our heart getting sticky again, and they will, we need to start the process all over again. And, once again, our Heavenly Father will be there with His heavenly cleaning. It’s also crucial that we understand that, if we are true Christ followers, the things that muddy up our hearts and minds never rob us of our secure eternal place with Jesus. But they do make us less willing to throw open the front door to spend time with Him.
Will you join me today in praying Psalm 51:10?
“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.”